Building Strength and Confidence

Feb 1, 2025 | Businesses, Communities, DeFuniak Springs, Walton & Beyond

Children participating in American Ronin Jiu-Jitsu

Local martial arts school serves those who want to master the gentle art

By Wendy O. Dixon

Working with local youths, offering classes for home-school children, as well as women’s self-defense classes, American Ronin Jiu-Jitsu in DeFuniak Springs has expanded its class lineup since it opened in 2023.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), the gentle art, is the martial art promoting the idea that a smaller, weaker person can defend themselves against a bigger, stronger and faster person using specific techniques, timing and leverage. At American Ronin Jiu-Jitsu, Coach Don Smith’s aim is to give kids confidence. “My purpose is really the kids,” he says. “I’m super sensitive to what kids need. I had a poor upbringing, didn’t have a dad. My mom was not always around and I had to live with my grandma sometimes. I understand the struggles these kids go through. Getting them involved in something that brightens their day and brings them confidence makes my day.”

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The benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu include gained confidence, improved mental health and increased physical health. Coach Don says bringing the sport to DeFuniak Springs is a journey he and his wife, Amber Smith, have been working toward for a few years.

Don and Amber met in Springfield, Missouri, while at church, discovering that they both worked in the parks and recreation department. They have since made their way to DeFuniak Springs and have set up a school at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church and Pleasant Ridge Christian Academy (PRCA).

“We started out with a couple of guys interested in jiu-jitsu, and converted a two-car garage into a gym, then grew from two to three guys who would train on Friday nights in Panama City Beach,” Amber says. “We finally decided to open a school in DeFuniak Springs. While the initial focus was on kids, that served as a feeder program to attract their parents, and we introduced a women’s self-defense class. In just a year and a half, we’ve gotten a good curriculum.”

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Coach Don had seen what the BJJ sport could do for kids in other places throughout the country. “This is my specialty, and I didn’t think they had a place where people train,” Don says. “I felt really called to do this. I believe strongly in women self-defense, and I have a couple of women I’ve trained.” 

While Don does the training, Amber handles the social media and bookkeeping, while also working as park manager for the State of Florida. “What’s really neat,” Don says, “is that our the members are not just members, they’re not  just customers, they’re my family now.”

Learn more and follow their Facebook Page here.  

Located at 1122 SR-83, DeFuniak Springs, FL, United States, 32433 (850) 296-2020

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