If ever there were a perfect job for a person, it’s for Latilda Hughes-Neel. In her crucial role
as planning director for the Freeport Planning and Zoning Department, Latilda uses her
background in education, art and city planning to make the City of Freeport the fastest
growing city in the fastest growing county in Florida.
In this episode of the HWY 331 podcast we connect you with Latilda Hughes-Neel, president and producer of Grit & Grace and the show’s playwright and director, Nancy Hasty.
In this episode of the HWY 331 podcast, Kerri Parker interviews Tracy Louthain. She is championing the Anchored in Freeport Art in Public Spaces Project. The project aims to bring art to public spaces in the town by placing concrete cast anchors decorated by local artists throughout the city.
Within the past 10 years, Freeport has become the fastest growing city in the fastest
growing county in Florida, according to the city’s Planning and Zoning Department. “We are
very well located for employment opportunities,” says Samantha Graves, senior planner for
the department. “For those who work at the beach or who work for the county, for the
military, as we are close to two military bases (Eglin Air Force Base and Hurlburt Field).”